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    Entries by J + L (250)


    Project of the Day

    Fun News: The good folks over at Kickstarter made us their 'Project of the Day' today.  Along with the great (& much appreciated) bump in exposure and pledges, the PoD selection came with this lovely write-up...

    The lush "Indie Game: The Movie" tells the story of indie game developers, creators of uniquely crafted games widely overlooked by the first-person shooter generation. These games often exhibit an auteurist's touch, and the film treats its subjects with that tone. Rewards include copies of the film and on-screen credits.


    Well said Kickstarter, well said.

    ...we may have to steal some of those lines.

    Thanks Again!


    A Great First 24 Hours...Thank you EVERYBODY

    Holy smokes!  We are completely blown away, encouraged, humbled and excited by the immediate and awesome response Indie Game:  The Movie has received so far.  Thank you so much to everyone who has pledged to, tweeted, commented, blogged, and emailed about  IGTM. 

    The response so far has been everything we could have hoped for and more. It completely validates the demand, desire & need for a film like this to be made. 

    Kickstarter has been great to us.  125 of you have already pledged your hard-earned dollars (6K so far!) to help see this fim made.  That is something that we don't take lightly at all.  Such a huge testament to the Indie fans and community.  We couldn't be happier.

    So please keep spreading the word.  On this site, we fully intend on opening up our filmmaking process as much as possible.  Making this film is a journey - one that we want to share. So as the film gets rolling even more, we plan to be very active on this site (and others).  We'll definitely be talking about this more in the future as things develop.

    In the meantime, if you're so inclined you can follow us on Twitter (Facebook should be up soon) here


    And if you don't mind obsessive tweets about camera gear (James) and insane workout regimes (Lisanne) you can follow us at @jamesswirsky and @lisannepajot

    Again:  Thank you so very much for all your support!


    Who are we talking to?

    First off:  It's 20 minutes in and we are overwhelmed by the response!  Thank you so much!

    Based on the trailer, we've been getting a few questions about WHO is going to be in the movie?  The trailer is meant to be a small vertical slice of the film.  We are looking at interviewing and profiling close to 10-15 (maybe more) game developers, critics, and industry personalities.

    We've confirmed a good number of these people already, but want to make sure they are locked in before we announce who they are for sure.

    We'll definitely announce more as soon as we can!

    On that note, one person definitely confirmed is...

    Phil Fish of Polytron Corporation

    Many More to Come!  Stay tuned!


    Website?  Check!


    Welcome to IndieGame: The Movie!

    This is the official website for our latest project.  The site is brand new and its still kind of learning to walk, but over the next little while its going to be filled to the brim with Indiegame Filmmaking goodness!

    So, to start off... 

    Find out more about the film here.

    Find out more about us here.

    Look for more soon!

    James, Lisanne & BlinkWorks



    IGTM: The Idea

    We were inspired to make this documentary by our experience covering the Game Developers Conference in Spring 2009 and by this short film we made on Alec Holowka of Infinite Ammo in Fall 2009.In producing the short film and attending the conference, we found the individual stories and entire culture of independent developers exceptionally fascinating and compelling. From the perspective of storytelling, gameplay and development process, it seems that some of the most interesting things going on in video games are happening in the indie space.  

    That initial fascination stuck with us, and in early 2010, we explored the idea of a feature length documentary with an initial wave of shooting. We gathered footage at GDC 2010 in San Francisco as well as in Phoenix, AZ, in Santa Cruz, CA and in Winnipeg, MB, Canada (with the indie teams from Flashbang StudiosEnemy Airship,PolytronTeam Meat and Infinite Ammo).

    The results have been extremely encouraging and validating; and has set the stage for the feature documentary.

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