You All Just Made a Movie Happen!
Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 4:33PM
J + L in Announcements, News, funding

Wow.  Indie Game:  The Movie is an official go!  We are making the movie.

What an insane 48 hours!  The indie community is a strong, powerful thing.  We are in shock, but not surprised (if that makes any sense).  We knew that if the community wanted to see this film made and liked where we were taking it, they would respond.

...but reaching our goal in 48 hours?

Did not expect that.   At all.

From the bottoms of our hearts, thank you so much!  This is going to be a great film, a great experience, and hopefully something very worthy of all your generosity & support shown to date.

Sooooo.....  Where to now?

This means we have enough funds to travel to the places we intended to travel to.  Our goal of $ 15,000 was always meant to get us out the door and indeed ‘Kickstart’ this project.

This $ 15,000 is going to allow us to drive across North America and gather the footage we need to gather.  It is our plan to pair the money with personal investment and other potential sources.

At this time, we have sixty-some days to go in fundraising on Kickstarter (we honestly it would take much longer to get to this point).  We have met our goal and that is so so great.  But, exceeding the goal means, with every dollar, the film will get THAT much better.

Naturally, $ 15,000 is a modest budget for a feature film project - one that, of course, we have plans to add to via other sources.

But with every donation or DVD pre-ordered through Kickstarter, our film gets stronger, our argument to further funding sources gets stronger and this project continues to grow.

So, to every one considering pre-ordering a DVD, T-Shirt or just donating, rest assured that your money is going towards making this film better.

And to everyone who has donated: 


Sincerely, with much much gratitude,

James & Lisanne

(James is writing because Lisanne is crying in a corner ... in a good way:)

Article originally appeared on Indie Game: The Movie - A Video Game Documentary (
See website for complete article licensing information.