Indie Game: The Movie on TIGRadio
Friday, May 21, 2010 at 6:10PM
J + L in News, Tigradio

Hey all, 

It looks like we're going to be on TIGRadio this Sunday night talking about IGTM.  Should be a fun time.  Hopefully we can shed a little more light on the project and maybe answer some questions that might be out there.

If there is anything in specific you'd like us to answer or address, feel free to post in the comment section and we'll try to mention it.

Talk to you Sunday!

Update on Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 9:47PM by Registered CommenterJ + L

Tig Radio came & went.  Big thanks to Tommy, Ben & Matthew for having us on! 

Hopefully, we gave a little more insight to what we're planning.  But, if you have any big questions that need answering, drop us a line either by email or in the comments section, and we'll do our best to answer 'em.

Missed the broadcast?  Check it out below.  And of course, tune in next week for a TigJam Winnipeg broadcast here.

Thanks again!

Article originally appeared on Indie Game: The Movie - A Video Game Documentary (
See website for complete article licensing information.