IGTM in Oak Cliff, Texas (if you get your ticket soon)
Monday, September 3, 2012 at 11:16AM
J + L in oak cliff, screening, screenings, texas, tugg

If you live around Oak Cliff, Texas and would like to see Indie Game: The Movie on the big screen, here's your chance to make it happen!  You can (need?) to buy your tickets now.  You can get tickets here.  If enough tickets sell by Sept 11th, it'll happen.  If not, no show.  The screening is being organized by the Texas Theater and is through this new, very cool idea/site called:  'Tugg'.

Screening info:

Indie Game: The Movie
The Texas Theater
Oak Cliff, Texas
Sept 18th, 7:30pm
TICKET Available Here

You Need to Buy in Advance:  Basically think of it as a Kickstarter for theater screenings.  Screenings happening by demand.  Someone sets up an event, and if enough tickets sell, it happens.  If not, it doesn't (and no $$ changes hands).  It's a really cool idea that is incredibly empowering for independent film on a whole.  If this idea spreads and takes off, it could be a pretty wonderful thing for film.   

Start Your Own Screening:  If you would like to start an Indie Game: The Movie screening in your own city/town, you too can use Tugg.  Go here and 'Request a Screening'.  If Tugg happens to not be available in your area, contact us directly at indiegamethemovie[at]gmail[dot]com and we can work directly with you to set up a screening.

Article originally appeared on Indie Game: The Movie - A Video Game Documentary (http://www.indiegamethemovie.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.