We are super honored to be up for Best Theatrical Documentary at the 2013 Canadian Screen Awards. It's been a strong year for docs in general, but Canada seems to have been kicking some serious butt. So, we are extremely proud/humbled/estatic to be listed among the likes of Sarah Polley's 'Stories We Tell', the excellent 'The World Before Her' by Nisha Pahuja, 'Over My Dead Body' and 'Alphée des Étoiles'.
And as if the nomination needed to be made any more sweet: The awards are going to be given out on a nationally televised ceremony / show, hosted by MARTIN SHORT!! My family and I grew up trading impressions from a steady diet of SCTV. So, this has us doubly excited!
(Fun fact: I tore my hamstring doing an Ed Grimley dance on an icy sidewalk. Ruining a not-really-at-all-promising basketball career. If IGTM happens to win in March, we'll call it even).