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Indie Game: The Movie is part of Humble Indie Bundle 7!!!!!

Support independent creation, charity and Pay-What-You-Want for the following games (& soundtracks)...

  • Dungeon Defenders
  • Legend of Grimlock
  • The Binding of Isaac (by Super Meat Boy’s Edmund Mcmillen no less)
  • Snapshot
  • Shank 2
  • Closure
  • & Indie Game: The Movie

You can get the bundle here!

What is the Humble Indie Bundle?  It’s pretty simple, pay what you want for seven great games (& soundtracks).  All games are DRM-free, Windows, Mac and Linux compatible  AND part of the proceeds go to charity.  Over the course of the last few years, Humble Bundles have raised millions of dollars for great causes like Child’s Play, EFF, and the Red Cross.   

Already own or saw the film?  Well, please don’t let that stop you, the rest of the bundle is absolutely amazing and if ever you were looking for a low-risk way to dip your toe into indie gaming waters - this is it!  

Help independent developers, help charity, get amazing cross-platform games.  It’s a pretty great deal all around.  Go here and check it out!

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Reader Comments (4)

I just get my bundle, but, where can i get the movie subs for spanish?

December 19, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRavey

I need movie subs too.
steam doesn't support Japanese subs........

December 19, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterbose

Looking for subtitles as well, this time Hebrew though.

December 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterYMY

I finally bought a humble indie bundle for this, and ended up getting it just for the movie since I dont care for the games on it.

December 27, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterchuchoyei

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