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    Entries by J + L (250)


    IGTM at the Alamo NYC!

    Dearest People of New York:

    Indie Game: The Movie is showing tomorrow at the Alamo Drafthouse NYC as part of it's Video Game Movie series.  The series is set to compliment the Hudson River Museum's new exhibition The Art of Video Games, which runs February 15 - May 18. 

    We're absolutely thrilled to be part of the series and at the drafthouse.  If you're in NYC and your'e intersested in seeing IGTM on the big screen,  click here for the details.

    Hope to see you there!



    Great news!  Steph Thirion has released ELISS: INFINITY, a follow-up to his iOS game ELISS! 


    One of the very first interviews we did for IGTM was with the very smart, charming and sometimes moustache’d Steph Thirion.  The story of Steph’s game ELISS and his arrival into the world of game development was wonderful; in many ways it served as a pseudo-thesis for the film.  It was a story of someone discovering and being empowered by game design at the absolute perfect time - allowing him to make the thing he wants to make.

    Although the interview never made the final film (a heartbreaking cut to be sure), we were thrilled to include it in the Special Edition of IGTM.  And on the occasion of the ELISS: INFINITY launch, we’d like to share with you the piece we shot a little while back (above) 

    The game is fantastic, definitely go check out ELISS INFINITY over here

    SPECIAL EDITION DISCOUNT:  Also, a reminder, this piece was 5 of 300 extra bonus minutes included in the Special Edition of IGTM.  If you want to check out the rest, use the bonus code ‘ELISS’ to receive 25% off the digital or the super special 3-disc physical editions.


    EPDaily Reviews Special Edition Blu-Ray

    EP Daily recently reviewed the IGTM Special Edition BluRay Boxed Set! Both, Victor Lucas and Scott Jones, gave the Special Edition a perfect score and had some pretty wonderful things to say about the film and the extras. We were blown away by the response!  You can watch the review below...

    Huge smiles over here!  

    Just in case, the IGTM Special Edition is new to you, here's a few notes about it below...


    What Is the Special Edition:
    The IGTM Special Edition is a an anthology collection of completely new material.  It is the ultimate version of Indie Game: The Movie.  

    Through the Special Edition, find out what happened after, discover new stories & developers and dive deeper into the film than you ever could before.   


    Special Edition Blu-Ray vs Digital Version:
    The Special Edition is available in two flavours:  Blu-Ray/DVD  &  Digital

    •  Blu-Ray: All 300+ minutes of new/bonus content can be found in the limited edition Blu-Ray or DVD Boxed Set.  You can order a copy here.

    •  Digital:  A digital version of the Special Edition (100+ minutes of new material) is also available directly from our site, here and on Steam.  You can learn more the Special Edition here.


    Limited Quantities Remain:
    There have been only 6,000 copies of the Special Edition Boxed Set printed.  They are a signed, limited edition with a lot of physical and content bonuses, and we have under 500 left.  So, if you were ever looking to pick up the limited edition boxed set, you may want to look into picking it up sometime soonish.


    Thanks again to Victor, Scott and the EPDaily crew for taking the time to check out the film and all the extra content.  Super glad you guys dug the film and Special Edition!


    Check out this project from one of IGTM's supporters

    Hey Everyone, 

    This author, James Holder, supported IGTM very very early in the process. In fact, he was one of the original supporters slated to have a game trailer in the credits.  Unfortunately timelines conspired against that happening, but we wanted to share his latest Kickstarter project with you.

    The Project: 'Planet Oz - The Novel'
    "The Wizard of Oz re-imagined as a YA novel with cyborgs, mutants, and alien artifacts. Dorothy pilots a giant robot."

    It looks quite fun, and definitely worth checking out.  Please feel free to give it a look and consider supporting!


    IGTM Soundtrack now on CD!

    Good news: Our good friend, IGTM composer extrodinaire, Jim Guthrie has just released the Indie Game: The Movie soundtrack on CD - and it looks fantastic!

    So, now you can enjoy the sweet IGTM sounds of Jim via digital download, Vinyl LP and now CD.  Check it out here.

    Also just released, on CD, from Jim is the Sword & Sworcery Soundtrack.  If you haven't heard that album yet, please pick it up immediately!  So, so good.


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