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    Entries by J + L (250)



    Hey Everyone, 

    Later this week will be the two year anniversary of IGTM’s release.  Which is kind of crazy to think of. We’re going to be doing a few cool things to celebrate.  Not the least of which is... 


    This Friday, there will be a free, live streaming event of Indie Game: The Movie over on Twitch.

    Starting at 4pm PST, Tommy Refenes and Edmund McMillen of Team Meat will be joining Northernlion over on Twitch for a broadcasted screening of IGTM with live commentary throughout.

    They will be answering questions, providing insight and doing various Tommy and Edmund things...which are always a super entertaining treat.

    Think of it as IGTM Meets MST3K meets a Reddit AMA.  It should be a lot of fun.  So mark your calendars!  


    What: IGTM Screening Event with Team Meat Live Commentary
    Date:  Friday, June 13th
    When:  4pm PST
    Schedule:  4-5pm, Video AMA with Ed, Tommy & Northerlion, 5-7pm IGTM Screening. 


    In case you missed it, for the original release, Tommy and Edmund recorded an audio commentary for the film.  If you haven’t watched it, you are missing out, the audio track is full of fun asides, great insight and turns IGTM into one of the unexpectedly funniest films you’ll see.  There's a preview of that commentary below.

    The event this Friday will be somewhat like that only a bit more interactive and has the added dynamic of taking place two years since the movie and games were released.  A lot has happened since then. 

    Check back tomorrow, we’ll be doing a few more anniversary-related things!  But be sure to join us this Friday.

    Huge thanks to Ed & Tommy, Northerlion and Twitch for helping make this happen. 

    Should be a lot of fun!


    Special Edition Content: English Subtitles Now Available!

    Hey Everyone, 

    Just wanted to drop you a quick note and let you know that English Subtitles are now available for the Special Edition content.  Earlier today, an update was automatically issued to the Steam version and the English subtitles will also appear when you buy the film and the Special Edition content direct from us at

    Unlike the feature film, which is available in 24 different subtitled languages, currently, the Special Edition content is only available with English subs.  

    The 24 language subtitle set for the original feature film was made possible by a community-driven translation effort. It's was a pretty big undertaking with volunteers all over the world helping make it happen. 

    We may add more language to the DLC in the future. If you are interested in helping, please feel free to contact us at

    But in the meantime, we hope the English Subtitles help out a lot of you. 

    Huge thank you and shout out to Adam Saltsman for help with the App and Update! 

    Thanks so much for reading and checking out the film!  

    -J + L



    This is pretty amazing.  FEZZINE, a zine put toegether by a collection of talented folk that really dug FEZ.  The art looks wonderful - the book even has pop-out pages!!  Check it, and maybe pick one up here.


    IGTM is talking at SXSW!

    Hey Everyone,

    We're going to be at SXSW!  We were asked to come down and give a presentation on the direct distribution/long tail strategies we've employed for IGTM.  We've learned a lot over the past 3 years, and we're excited to be sharing.  

    The presentation will be a jam-packed hour about what we did with the film, why we did it and how things worked out.  In many ways, it's an extension of the 5 part case study we published awhile ago.  If you're an filmmaker with an upcoming project, a distributor or any type of independent artist really, you might want to come and check it out.  Here's the info...

    Indie Game: The Movie - A Direct Distribution Odyessy
    Monday, March 10th
    3:30 - 4:30pm
    Driskell Ballroom
    Driskell Hotel. 
    More info here 


    Directors/producers, Lisanne Pajot & James Swirsky give a first-hand look into 2 years of marketing & distributing their Sundance award-winning feature doc, Indie Game: The Movie.

    Building on their popular online case study, the filmmakers reveal the key strategies behind the film’s successful release & beyond. Topics include: Audience-building, touring, digital releases, merchandising, pricing, piracy and their follow-up project, the Indie Game: Special Edition.

    From crowd-funding through the long tail, this talk reflects the full cycle of direct-distribution from people who did it, and continue to do it…because, well, it never really ends.


    Hope to see you there!  Oh, and if you have specific questions and can't squeeze them into the session, there will likely be an informal get-togther afterwards. Watch our Twitter for details.

    -James & Lisanne


    p.s. Also, we hope to give this talk a few more times before retiring it, stay tuned we might be in your area some time in the future...


    The IGTM Special Edition is Nominated!

    Great news - the Indie Game: The Movie Special Edition has been nominated for outstanding digital documentary at the Candian Screen Awards (think: Canadian Oscars).  We're exceptionally honoured to have the Special Edition recognized in this way.  The original film was nominated last year,  we lost out to Sarah Polley's wonderful 'Stories We Tell'.  But hopefully, second time's the charm and the SE can pull it off.  Either way:  'Completely honoured to be...' :) 

    Big thanks to all who voted, but especailly those that helped make it happen in the first place:  Jim Guthrie, Adam Saltsman, Kym Dophiede, Jon Blow, Phil Fish, Tommy Refenese, Edmund McMillen, Steph Thirion, Jason Rohrer, Derek Yu, Ron Carmel, Alec Holowka, Rich Vreeland, Chris Pointon, Jeff Lindsay, the Area5 guys, Jason Scott, the VHX crew,  the great people at Steam and everyone who supported the film!

    Wish us luck!



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