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    Entries by J + L (250)


    What's all in the Special Edition?

    There is over ELEVEN hours of IGTM films, extras, shorts & commentaries available in the Indie Game: The Movie Special Edition.  We thought it might be helpful to list out EVERYTHING currently out there...

    The following is available as part of the IGTM Special Edition. Available in both DVD/Bluray and digital versions.  

    The Feature Film:  The main film at the centre of it all.  Available in 24 different languages. 


    Team Meat Audio Commentary (Feature Film):  Tommy and Edmund provide a soundtrack/commentary that transforms IGTM into one of the funniest movies you’ll ever watch.  Seriously, if you haven’t viewed the movie this way, you are seriously missing out. 

    Director’s Commentary (Feature Film):  Lisanne Pajot and James Swirsky share insight and behind-the-scenes knowledge of the making of IGTM.  Not nearly as funny as the Team Meat commentary, but hopefully somewhat informative. 

    Team Meat Audio Commentary (Special Edition Films):  Once again, Tommy & Edmund provide hilarious commentary and insight.  This time, they take on the Indie Game: Special Edition new films & extras.

    Indie Game: The Movie (Family Friendly version):  A version of the original movie cleaned up for general consumption.  All audio swears and on-screen profanity have been removed so you can safely share it with more sensitive viewers.  


    Phil’s Epilogue: Phil Fish is back in Montreal and in limbo. FEZ is finally finished and awaiting release. Will his 5 years of work be appreciated by players & recognized at the Independent Games Festival? Filmed after the initial production of IGTM. (short film) 

    Phil & Japan:  At a IGTM screening, Phil Fish is asked about his thoughts on modern Japanese video games. And, he tells the audience what he thinks. The Internet proceeds to explodes.  Watch the question, the answers from the panel & his take on the Internet aftermath. (short film) 

    Edmund’s Epilogue:  Filmed well after the release of Super Meat Boy and IGTM, Edmund McMillenʼs games are now smash hits. Despite his life-changing success, Edmund continues to create. How he finds inspiration, motivation and lives a creative life. (short film)

    Tommy’s Epilogue:  Tommyʼs his new life, new city, new love & new cars.  This piece was filmed specifically for the IGTM Special Edition, well after the release of Super Meat Boy and IGTM. (short film) 

    Danielle’s Epilogue:  Edmundʼs wife Danielle talks about her life after, Cats and Cat-lady-ness. (short film)

    Edmund and teh Internets:  Edmund shares the story of why he left the Internet. (short film) 

    Tommy and teh Internets:  The story behind Super Meat World, trolls & Tommyʼs epiphany about the Internet. (short film)

    Tommy: The Day After:  Shot the day after Super Meat Boyʼs first release, Tommy reflects his feelings in the moment and having a programmer brain. (Lost Scene) 

    The Art of Braid:  The thoughts & technique behind the imagery;  Artist David Hellman talks about Braid’s handmade art & themes. (short film) 

    Passage:  Jason Rohrerʼs game will make you cry. Or maybe it wonʼt. Find out about his design process & his take on the reaction to Passage. (short film)

    Spelunky:  Game designer & artist, Derek Yu reveals his meticulous level design process to create the randomly-generated world of Spelunky.

    ELISS:  Becoming an indie game-maker. How code, the process of discovery and developments in mobile phones, changed the life of Steph Thirion. Hear the story of the award-winning iOS game, Eliss. (short film)

    David & Clouds:  David Hellman looks at the iterative nature of making video game art. (short film)

    GAMEJAM:  Wanna make a game? Hereʼs some inspiration from some TIGJam game makers.

    Tri-Achnid:  Edmund discusses one of the early physics-based side scrollers, Tri-achnid. 

    AVGM:  Click. Click. Click. Click.  Edmund shares insight into his mysterious game, AVGM. 

    COIL:  The inspiration and story behind Edmundʼs experimental game, Coil. What did he learn about the use theme in gameplay? 

    Phil Watches Phil:  Phil Fish watches Indie Game: The Movie for the first time.

    The C Word:  Edmund tells the story of his controversial game, The C Word. Available only on DVD, BLURAY and on (short film)

    Control:  Edmund & Tommy talk about the control design in Super Meat Boy, the need for precision and good feels.  (short film) 

    Canabalt:  Developer Adam Saltsman talks about the design, sound and art behind the iOS hit game, Canabalt. (short film) 

    MEGA 64’s IGTM Trailer:  The comedy group, Mega64, re-cuts/re-imagines the IGTM trailer.  (parody trailer)

    Edmund Collections:  Edmund shows us some of his favourite things from around the world. (short film) 

    IGTM Goes to TIGJAM:  A GameJam short film full of coding, fun, creation and games, but severely devoid of sleep.  With Appearances by Alec Holowka (Aquaria, Night in the Woods), Adam Saltsman (Canabalt, Hundreds), Kyle Pulver (Snapshot), Matthew Wegner (Aztez) and many more. (short film)

    IGTM Gears Up:  A short video detailing the equipment used to shoot IGTM.  If you’re an interested, this video and blog post is for you … and likely only for you :)


    (Available on on physical DVD and Bluray editions) 

    IGTM Cast and Crew Q&A:  A full hour long question and answer with the cast & crew of the movie.  Filmed at GDC, following the public premiere of IGTM.  (Extended Interview) 

    Indie Game:  Behind the Movie:  A full behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of the film. (Short film).

    The Binding of Isaac:  Origins:  Edmund discusses how and why The Binding of Isaac came to be. (Extended Interview)

    The Binding of Isaac - Mechanics:  Edmund discusses the design process that makes BOI work. (Extended Interview)  

    Jon Blow - Indie Game History:  Jon gives a outline of Indie Game history.  (Extended Interview)

    Jon Blow - Game Narrative:  Jon discusses the place of game narrative within development & the gaming experience.  (Extended Interview)

    Jon Blow - Fun & Games:  Do video games really have to be fun?  Says who?  (Extended Interview)

    Jon Blow - Potential:  Jon  talks about video games as a medium and how we are just starting to scratch the surface. (Extended Interview)

    Ron Camel & World of Goo:  Ron talks about challenges, inspiration and the hard road that was the development of World of Goo. (Extended Interview)

    Phil on Design:  Phil Fish.  Good Design:  Discuss!  (Extended Interview)


    (available only on Steam) 

    Indie Game The Movie: The Game:  There is a hidden easter egg game in the Steam edition of IGTM…just so you know :)


    …so as, you can see.  There is A LOT more than just the original film.  If you’d like to check it ALL out, the physical DVD & BluRay of the IGTM Special Edition contain EVERYTHING. But if you like your content strictly digital, the digital Special Edition on Steam or on our site will give you access to most of what you see here.

    Check out the DVD/BLURAY Special Edition here and the digital version here.

    -Lisanne & James


    Listed! 22 Great Design Movies

    This was super nice!

    Fast Company recently put out a fun list:  THE 22 FILMS EVERY DESIGNER MUST WATCH

    We were super happy (and honoured) to see that Indie Game was included - A lot of fantastic films on there.  They are all available on Netflix, go check them out!  A ready-to-go desgn movie marathon awaits!


    The Loyalty Bundle!

    Just in time for Christmas, we're super happy to be part of something called the 'Loyalty Bundle'.  

    For just $15, you get...

    This is Not a Conspiracy Theory

    Rewind This!

    & Indie Game: The Movie


    If you've purchased any of these films from thier websites, you get the bundle for FREE!

    It's  a documentary film bundle that is not only a great deal - $15 for three great films - but also aims to reward those audience members who bought into IGTM and/or the other films in the bundle early.

    Here's how it works:

    1) If you've never bought any of the invloved movies before, purchase the bundle for $15 and enjoy these great docs.

    2) If you've bought either IGTM, 'This is Not a Conspiracy Theory' or 'Rewind This' via  Go to and claim the films.

    We think it's a pretty cool idea (huge thanks to Kirby Ferguson from TINACT for putting this together).  Hopefully you do to. Check it out here.


    Merry Christmas!


    IGTM Holiday Sale!

    Hey Everyone!

    We wanted to let you know about the sale going on at the IGTM Shop.  Almost everything is on sale (Including the IGTM Special Edition Box Set).

    We know, it's a bit early to do a holiday sale, but we wanted to make sure things got in the post in time for any holiday/Christmas giving that might be going on.

    So, if you were perhaps thinking of gifting a copy of IGTM this season, or if you wanted some physical IGTM for your shelf, wall or body  - now is the perfect time to make that happen.



    Here’s a full list of what’s on sale:

    40% off  Special Edition IGTM DVD Box Set   $59.99  now $34.99
    (learn more about the Special Edition here) 

    50% off  IGTM BLU-RAY (regular edition)   $29.99  now $14.99 

    50% off 
     IGTM GIFT COPY (3 PACK)   $19.99  now $9.99

    50% off  IGTM - Digital Download of the film   $9.99  now $4.99 (use code: HOLIDAY50)
    50% off  IGTM Special Ed. Digital DL (film+SE)    $14.99  now $7.49  (use code: HOLIDAY50)
    50% off  IGTM - Steam Version (full film)    $9.99  now $4.99
    50% off  IGTM - Special Edition Steam Version (full film +SE)    $14.99  now $6.99 

    50% off  Screen Printed IGTM Posters   $19.99 now $10.00
    50% off  IGTM Poster - TWO PACK   $24.99 now $16.99
    50% off  IGTM T-shirts   $24.99  now $12.99


    Binding of Isaac: Origins

    Hey Everyone!

    Crazy to think, but today, Edmund's game 'The Binding of Isaac' turns three!  

    BOI Interview:  To celebrate, we wanted to share a piece that is a part of the IGTM Special Edition.  It’s an extended interview we did with Edmund post-IGTM, post-BOI, in which he shares the origin story of BOI.  It’s a compelling story and some really nice insight into Ed’s creative  process.  Check it out below.

    BOI Rebirth:  Also, super excited news, if you haven't heard it yet.  BOI is getting a remake.   The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is a wholly new, much-expanded, completely-re-done version of the amazing BOI.

    The game is coming out November 4th on Steam (followed by a ton of other platforms sometime later), and is currently up for preorder here.  Protip:  If you already own BOI, a preorder will get you a 33% discount.

    Want to See More?  And if you’d like it and want to see more, you should consider picking up the IGTM Special Edition, which contains the original IGTM film, plus an additional 130 minutes of short films, epilogues and interviews like this one.  For BOI Fans in particular, there is another interview about BOI Design included in the IGTM Special Ediiton.

    Special Edition Discount:  Use the code ‘ISAAC!’ and receive 50% off the IGTM Special Edition

    Hope you enjoy.

    Now go preorder Isaac! 

    -J & L