That’s the date! Indie Game: The Movie will be available, worldwide Tuesday, June 12th on iTunes, directly from us on and Steam!
When planning the release of the film, it was very important to us to provide the film worldwide, in a variety of ways. Making it as easy and as accessible for people to download & watch the film in whatever way they’d like to.
With that in mind, we are very pleased & super excited to be offering the film in the following ways...
On June 12th, seamlessly rent or purchase IGTM on iTunes or your AppleTV. It’s easy, it’s awesome ... it’s iTunes! Pre-orders are now open.
Download From
Download or stream directly from us, the filmmakers (powered by the Emmy-winning team at VHX Artists). For $9.99, you’ll receive...
- DRM Free! Total flexibility, put it on whatever you’d like.
- Download or stream (or both) HD High Quality encodes.
- 1080P or 720P Available.
- Multiple formats
- Multiple Languages, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Traditional Chinese, English Subtitles & a ‘Clean' (Swear-free) version available.
- Available for pre-order here.
Steam Download
Achievement unlocked! Indie Game: The Movie is on Steam! Yes, that’s right! The film will be available on Steam! We are VERY excited for this film to have a home right next to Super Meat Boy, Braid, World of Goo, Sword & Sworcery, and all the amazing work & people that inspired this film and help make it happen. Go over and pre-order your 1080p HD download of the film here.

Hi there,
Some folks have been asking what's the difference between the versions. Here are some details;
-The film is on iTunes for pre-order here.
-You'll be able download or rent it in HD or SD on June 12th.
-It's currently available in several international stores, with English, French and Italian subtitles.
-The film is on Steam for pre-order here.
-In order to work on the Steam platform, the film will be delivered through a self-contained application from which you can watch the film in 1080P HD.
-You will download the film application like any other game on Steam.
-You can watch it on your computer or connect it from your computer to a television.
-The Indie Game: The Movie application may have some interactive extras, subtitles and achievements (to be confirmed as we're working on that functionality).
-Like other game applications on Steam, it will have DRM.
Direct Download via
-The film is available for pre-order directly from us at powered by VHX.
-You'll be able to download or stream the film in 720P or 1080P.
-This version will have English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Chinese Traditional subtitles available.
-You can also access the film with a clean 'swear-free' audio track.
-This version is DRM-free. It will be playable on anything that plays an mp4.
-Downloads and streams are unlimited, but monitored.
Reader Comments (32)
A bunch of (possibly stupid) questions:
-Does the bluray/DVD have the clean version built in, or do we have to install it somehow?
-Which digital download sources to pre-orderers get? (i.e. itunes, stream)
-If someone from the US filled out the address confirmation email the day it was sent out, what time frame would the DVD/Bluray arrive?
-What day will they be shipped?
-What special features are on the DVD/Bluray?
Sorry for bombarding you guys with questions.
No worries,
These are all good questions. It's still a bit early for some of them, but I'll do my best...
1. The clean version will be a separate audio track that you can toggle on/off like a director's commentary
2. Preorder ppl will get the VHX digital download
3. There will likely be a period for address confirmation emails to be filled out. After the period ends, the DVDs will ship. And if someone does not fill out the address confirmation form, they will receive the DVD copy to the original address that they filled out. We'll be giving multiple warnings/reminders for the sendout.
4. We're not too sure just yet. We still have to manufacture and design the DVDs themselves. We are hoping the regular edition ships in July.
5. Still in flux. Majorly in flux for the special edition (we are still working on it - editing AND shooting new stuff). But once things calm down with the release, we'll be able to see what we can make fit on the regular edition.
There will definitely be a lot more information coming as things progress.
Thanks for asking!
What about people that pre ordered the special edition DVD? When are you going to collect addresses? Will we be able to download the digital edition before getting the physical dvd?
There is no set date for the Special Edition just yet.
You will get a digital download of the film (not the Special Edition content) on June 12th.
Ok, thanks for answering! One more question: how could I view the film on a PS3? Would I need a flash drive? Would it be 1080p?
Good question. The awesome guys at VHX are going to try to offer as many encodes as reasonably possible.
It'll definitely be 1080P. Hopefully a PS3-compatible native encode can happen.
This is one of those details that'll be worked out fairly soon, as we get closer. As soon as we know, we'll be posting about it though.
What are the achievements going to be for the Steam version? ;)
Yes !! You're amazing !
Such a surprise to see it on Steam, but it does seem almost logical seeing how much important steam is for indies
Anyway, I can't wait !
(You really got me with that big "DIRECT DOWNLOAD" button, I almost had a tiny heart attack :O )
Quick Question: Will the steam version also be DRM free?
What time on the date would the download be available at which time zone. I would stay up to midnight waiting to see it so I just wondered if an exact time is known or if it's just on the day. Specifically speaking I mean the direct dl from this site :-)
Christmas coming twice this year
Hey! I just wanted to congratulate you guys for the movie, and make one quick question. Are there any subtitles provided with any of the versions? I have a little brother that only speaks Spanish and I would looove for him to watch the movie.
Thanks a lot!
My only question that remains is, will there be a digital version of the special edition?
DLC on the Steam copy for special edition features would be, well, neat.
Sorry, I should rephrase my previous question- would I need a flash drive to watch the movie on my PS3? Would it still be HD? Would I still be able to see the clean version on PS3?
Hey Guys,
Thanks for the kind words. To answer some of the questions...
1) The Steam version will behave much like a downloaded game. In fact, for all intents and purposes it is. We have to package it in such a manner to make it work with Steam. So, it will be DRM'd as much as any other steam product/game.
2) Timezone availability: I wish I knew, but we really have no idea at this point. Might have an idea the day before. But not much sooner than that.
3)Subtitles: Right now, the only subtitles we can confirm are in the VHX/Direct Download versions. We are working on getting subtitles working on Steam. We hope to have this happen. But, I'd go with the VHX option to guarantee it.
4) Digital version of the S.E.? We're looking into it. Same thing with Steam DLC. Very early stages though. We'll see...
Hope that helps some,
Will the DRM free version have a limited # of downloads?
I know I would want it on 2 computers....
I was wondering about the exact time of digital release; will the codes go out at midnight, or at some undetermined time during the day?
Thanks for all your hard work!
I am genuinely surprised to see Steam offering up feature films! Congrats, and ordered. I'll gladly support that, and might even buy a physical copy later too.
(Sure hope the Mega64 vid gets into the specials. ;)
Some more answers
1) The VHX Powered DRM-free option will not have a download limit. A reasonable amount of multiple computers will be fine. Each account will be monitored for 'unusual behavior' (i.e. a crazy amount of DLs, or multiple ISPs) that can lead to a temporary shutdown. But, no, if you're using it in a 'normal' way, you'll have no problems.
2)No idea on the exact time of the digital release. We'll likely know closer to the date though. Stayed tuned as we approach. It's always a little iffy to put exact times on these things as...welll...things can always go a little wrong and unexpected bumps can happen. So, we likely won't promise an exact time. But we'll give you as much info as we can leading up to it.
Thanks again for the support and super nice words!
(p.s. We're working on a more info-rich specific post + we do have an FAQ section on the site. Just didn't want to overload the announcement with too too much detail ... plus, there is also the element of this still all being a work-in-process. Things are still being fully formed. :)
Will the S.E. blu-ray version be region free?
Hi Ram, thanks for asking.
Here is the current answer...
1) Region-Free: We'll be aiming to go region-free. Unless there is some weird reason in which we can't or it doesn't make sense to do it - I can't imagine not going region-free. There is no reason for our release to adhere to regions. It's silly.
Now, having said that, we have yet to completely produce and place the order for the units. There may be some strange reason why we can't. I have no idea what that would be. But until we are 100% confirmed that'll be region-free, I can only say that we plan to do it.
If for some reason, we do go region-ed, and that doesn't fit your plans - we'll happily refund your order.