IGTM Steam Application: What is it? Who's making it?

Hi All,
With release day quickly approaching, we wanted to fill in a little more details about the Steam Version...
First up: The Steam version of the film is being produced by the talented, prolific and boyishly handsome Adam Saltsman! You may know Adam from his hit iOS game: Canabalt or from his work on the Hunger Games: Girl on Fire iOS title or from his Flixel platform or from- well, there’s a TON of stuff you may know Adam from. Point being: He is doing great work on the IGTM Steam App and we are super lucky to have him on our team.
We actually did a small piece on Adam & Canabalt. You can see it here.
So, while Adam is cranking away on the Steam Application. And here's a quick rundown of what you can expect from the Steam version of ‘Indie Game: The Movie’...
- 1080P, full HD video.
- Team Meat Audio Commentary Track: Edmund McMillen and Tommy Refenes provide their various insights throughout the film. Hilarious, informative and sometimes outright lies :) It’s a great compliment to the film.
- Subtitle / Language Support: The Steam Version will support the following subtitles: English, English (descriptive), French, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil) and Traditional Chinese. As more languages become available, we plan to add these in.
- Assorted Video Extras, Various video extras created during the initial production of the film. These are not the extras that will eventually make up the Special Edition of the film.
- It will indeed be an application, not a bare video file. Meaning it will behave like any other Steam game/application. You download it, boot it up, make full screen. Sit back and enjoy!
Coming in an update soon after launch:
- Filmmaker Audio Commentary Track: James Swirsky and Lisanne Pajot. Not nearly as funny as ‘Team Meat’. But hopefully as informative :)
- Additional Subtitle / Language Support: We have additional languages in the works. We hope to be adding soon: Dutch, Spanish, German, Japanese, Thai, Russian, Arabic and Hebrew.
Hopefully coming in a update soon after launch:
- Achievements: Yes, we know that sounds slightly odd, but people have been asking, and we think it’s fun. If we can make them happen, we’ll happily get them in there.
We are unbelievably excited to have Indie Game: The Movie as the first feature film on Steam. You can get your copy here. And of course, you can also find the film on iTunes and DRM-free directly from us here.
Options! We’re all about options. Whatever way you want to find, buy and watch Indie Game: The Movie works for us!
We hope you enjoy the film!
-James & Lisanne
Reader Comments (19)
I added the super-high-end-bestest-valued-top-of-the-line-feature-packed-Blu-Ray Special Edition-o-matic.
Will I have access to this Steam application? I'd much prefer it instead of a digital download.
Relative to Michel's question: when will we (the pre-purchasers) able to download the digital content? I'm eager to receive any kind of email from you! :D
Hi Guys,
You should be receiving an email from us later on today/tonight. We're going to send it once we have confirmation that all platforms are good to go.
Unfortunately, the Blu-Ray Special Edition does not receive a Steam build. It will be a complimentary VHX code for the download. Sorry we couldn't organize and swing a selection of either/or
Take Care,
Hi. I'd like to know, who translates IGtM to Russian? It's my native language, so I can help with this translation :)
Does this mean that it is Indie Game: The Movie: The Game?
Hi Herohascome:
Thanks so much for the generous offer. But actually I think we're set. We have a crack team working on the Russian translation as I type :)
They're 95% done, so I think it's good.
But thanks for offering!
Does the Steam copy come with a "clean" version?
Shoot, I don't care. I preordered on Steam, then was so psyched I preordered off the site here as well. Have my 17 bucks; I'm sure this will be a gazillion times better than the last movie I watched in the theater, and only 7 bucks higher for buying twice.
I bought the Steam version, but I would like to have the DRM-Free video file, so I can play it on my TV (via USB). Is that going to happen?
I have to say, I'm pretty annoyed that I was promised a Steam code for having pre-ordered the Special Edition (promised in the email when you announced the bluray upgrades), but you're now going back on it. Are you also going back on the soundtrack download, copy of Super Meat Boy and blu-ray upgrade?
I was really psyched about the special edition, even if it was a bit on the pricey side, but before I've even received ANYTHING, I'm finding out that one of the things I was most excited to recieve isn't coming anymore.
...oh, we DID get a Steam key.
Seems the comment above about no Steam key should be ignored - as should my bitching :)
So 2 things:
1° I would like to ask the same thing the other guy asked, is there going to be a raw video file and .srt subtitles with the steam version that I can put on my media server, or some other way I could do that, other than buying another copy of the movie?
2° about those subtitles, as someone who lives in Brazil, I would like to thank you guys for making those, you guys have no idea how frustrating it is to find awesome content that you can’t share with your friends due to a language barrier, thanks a lot.
The Steam version on Mac isn't working. All I get is a black screen.
"...oh, we DID get a Steam key."
Mike, was your Steam key included in the e-mail you got with the regular (VHX) download code?
There isn't enough being made about the fact that you're offering commentary on the Steam release: to my knowledge, steam is the only company doing commentary with their releases. Hopefully they branch out and start releasing more films; special features are something I miss now that I download most of the content that I watch.
How do I access my Steam version of the movie so i can put it into iTunes and carry it around on my iPod? is it even possible? I was expecting Steam copy to be DRM free as well, which is why i preordered through the Valve service, but I guess for now my copy is just stuck on my pc.
For making such an amazing, heart-felt, nerdy title, THANK YOU!
Got it via Steam and it works on my PC's, my Mac, streaming to my TV, all the things.
class mylove {
public static void main (String IGTM[]) {
if (IGTM.awesomeness > allthemovies) {
System.out.println("<3" + thankyou[∞]);
Great info,
Thanks for sharing it.
Great info...thanks....http://easyappcreation.com/
I would like to have the DRM-Free video file too, so I can play it through my TV via USB also.